What are the dimensions of the journal covers and pages?

Large Journals have 6"x 9" covers with ~5.5" x 8.5" pages.

Small Journals have 4"x 6" covers with ~3.5" x 5.5" pages.

How do I order a journal in a different color scheme than what is shown for the design I want?

Browse the other journal listings to find the color scheme you like best, and just put what you want in the notes for your order. All color schemes shown for the same type of journal are fair game.(types of journals are birch, hardwood, and cork leather. Currently we only offer Birch online.)

What are the journal covers made from?

Baltic birch wood and faux suede made of nylon. (The material is Laser Safe/ non-vinyl). All spines are currently dark brown or tan with engraving.

Care instructions

Care for your refillable journal as you would any other hard cover book. The covers are quite durable and not easily damaged from everyday use/ carrying in a backpack, etc.

What types of pages and end-papers do you offer?

The standard paper we use is 24#, acid free, and good for sketching and use with normal pens. Water based markers work fine if you don't work too heavy. We are working on adding a different type of paper that is fountain pen friendly. We also stock 80# mixed media paper.

We offer blank, lined, grid, dot grid, isometric grid, music staff, planner, and table top ref sheet pages for now, but if there is a style you would like to see or would like to have in your order, just ask!

We stock four different hand made papers at a time- each listing has a photo that shows our one of our current end-paper options.

Where do you ship?

Our website is set up to accept orders from the United States only, but we can ship to international customers as well- we just invoice for those orders, so send us an e-mail at karen@talenshistudios.com.

How can I place a custom Order?

Just e-mail us at karen@talenshistudios.com

Who makes all the art you use?

We do. Karen does all of the 2D artwork by hand in either digital or traditional media, and Justin creates the 3D models for our resin prints in VR and Blender. We never use AI in anything.

We also took the photographs we use for product backgrounds. That in itself has become a new hobby.

Magnet safety with Medical Devices

Our Refillable covers and page refills contain Neodymium magnets.

The strong magnetic fields near a neodymium magnet can affect
pacemakers, ICDs and other implanted medical devices. Many ICDs are
made with a feature that deactivates it when it comes into contact with a
magnet. Many Pacemakers change modes when in contact with a magnet.
Once the magnet is removed, normal function resumes.

Our magnetic books should be safe as long as you do not place them in contact with your implanted device.

If you have one of these devices, and are concerned about magnetic
interference, we suggest not purchasing a magnetic book.

Magnet safety with technology

The strong magnetic fields near neodymium magnets can damage magnetic media
such as floppy disks, credit cards, magnetic I.D. cards, cassette
tapes, video tapes or other such devices. They can also damage
televisions, VCRs, computer monitors and CRT displays. Avoid placing
neodymium magnets near electronic appliances.

Cell phones and solid state drives should be fine.

Safety and High temperatures

Nickel Allergy Warning:

The magnets in our refillable covers and page refills are coated in
nickel they are encased in paper/ bookcloth in our product and should not be an issue unless the book is forcibly broken apart. Don't break books.

High Temperatures/ Moisture:

Neodymium magnets can become demagnetized at high temperatures or with
repeat exposure to moisture. While we do not recommend leaving a refillable book in a hot car, we have also tested this with no decrease
in magnetization so far. The glue used in binding is probably more at
risk of failure with prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Since we use thermal glue, if your book has been left in a hot car, stand it on it's spine on a hard surface and prop it up to cool off in this position for about 30 minutes before opening the book. Prolonged and repeated exposure to heat can cause the pages to come loose.

Will your vinyl stickers last on a car?

Best place them on things that won't be in the sun so much. We haven't tested them on cars to make sure they will last. Test at your own discretion.